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# Southern Ocean Winter Cruise 2012: Hydrocast data
# PI: Daniel M. Sigman (Princeton)
# Version: 05 May 2015
# Samples collected by Sandi Smart (University of Cape Town)nd analyzed in  Slab at in the Sigman lab at in the Sigman lab at Princeton University
# Data published in: Smart, S. M., S. E. Fawcett, S. J. Thomalla, M. A. Weigand, C. J. C. Reason, and D. M. Sigman (2015), Isotopic evidence for nitrification 
#      in the Antarctic winter mixed layer, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 29, doi:10.1002/2014GB005013.
station  date        time    lat       lon       depth_mixed_layer  month  day  year  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
AM00006  07/13/12    1135    -43.094   7.531     189                07     13   2012  2012-07-13T11:35:00Z      
sample              depth     temp     sal     oxygen_corr  sigma_t   NO3_NO2_mean  NO3_NO2_stdev  d15N_NO3_NO2_mean  d15N_NO3_NO2_stdev  d18Ocorr_NO3_NO2_mean  d18O_NO3_NO2_stdev  NO3_mean    NO3_stdev  d15N_NO3_mean  d15N_NO3_stdev  d18O_NO3_mean  d18O_NO3_stdev  
VOY03CTD06_BTL033   28.69     9.08     34.40   6.29         1026.57   11.887        0.118          8.631              0.070               6.522                  0.176               11.255      0.071      9.010          0.057           6.502          0.074           
VOY03CTD06_BTL034   61.13     9.09     34.40   6.30         1026.57   11.938        0.105          8.550              0.085               6.462                  0.025               11.227      0.220      8.946          0.095           6.648          0.166           
VOY03CTD06_BTL035   98.61     9.11     34.41   6.30         1026.57   12.001        0.118          8.506              0.052               6.217                  0.100               11.175      0.215      8.898          0.075           6.436          0.140           
VOY03CTD06_BTL036   188.21    9.13     34.41   6.20         1026.58   12.106        0.112          8.358              0.059               6.267                  0.196               11.445      0.106      8.698          0.017           6.369          0.038           
VOY03CTD06_BTL037   217.47    9.17     34.63   5.77         1026.76   14.409        0.230          6.495              0.077               4.017                  0.241               14.010      0.034      6.499          0.056           4.131          0.092           
VOY03CTD06_BTL038   297.67    7.83     34.49   5.48         1026.84   19.240        0.718          6.225              0.019               3.313                  0.124               19.076      0.082      6.195          0.022           3.659          0.113           
VOY03CTD06_BTL039   494.76    5.13     34.23   5.53         1026.99   26.483        0.540          5.968              0.025               2.930                  0.164               26.661      0.184      5.964          0.014           3.169          0.028           
VOY03CTD06_BTL040   743.32    3.87     34.21   5.42         1027.12   29.551        0.209          5.776              0.031               2.712                  0.183               29.528      0.398      5.769          0.047           2.988          0.018           
VOY03CTD06_BTL041   990.15    3.16     34.30   4.81         1027.27   32.255        0.784          5.533              0.026               2.383                  0.099               32.318      0.421      5.507          0.042           2.710          0.021           
VOY03CTD06_BTL042   1235.35   2.85     34.44   4.27         1027.42   33.600        0.333          5.326              0.013               2.173                  0.086               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD06_BTL043   1481.95   2.73     34.58   4.12         1027.54   32.735        0.734          5.187              0.027               1.987                  0.043               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD06_BTL044   1727.81   2.68     34.67   4.20         1027.63   31.695        0.335          5.120              0.029               1.877                  0.191               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD06_BTL045   1976.96   2.62     34.74   4.38         1027.69   29.845        0.225          5.046              0.023               1.760                  0.142               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd